

Currently, at Figma

I’m an Engineer at Figma, working on making FigJam the highest quality online whiteboard. My most recent project was FigJam AI—alongside Natasha Tenggoro, Albert Song, Dan Meija, and so many others.

Other projects to mention: new-file placeholders with Khalil Cader, Andrew Schmidt, Mihika Kapoor; designs for Figma Chrome extension.



From 2021—2022, I worked at Mapbox, primarily creating Mapbox Search JS.

This was a web library for Typeahead search geocoding—and effort to overhaul the existing Mapbox GL Geocoder. The library is fully accessible & themable, and uses Web Components with various bindings.

I also worked on the Map Design team with a focus on Mapbox Studio and open-source software.

DJI Research

From 2019—2021, I worked at DJI as an intern, then took a Leave of Absence during the pandemic to work full-time.

I was an Engineer, and later a Product Manager, within the DJI FlySafe program. FlySafe restricts drone flights to authorized users (through LAANC, the FAA program) and qualified entities.

In 2020, I initiated compliance with the NIST 800-53 Medium (“FedRAMP”) framework. This included authoring over 70 controls, fielding outside vendors, and helping guide the Eng Team towards compliant solutions.

Earlier contributions (as an intern, contractor)


In 2021, as part of my undergraduate program at Penn State, I wrote a paper titled: “Performance Analysis of WebAssembly and JavaScript Engines for Common Geospatial Algorithms.”

I rewrote part of TURF.js, a popular JavaScript geospatial library, in C++ so I could compare performance characteristics with WASM.

The research only showed statistically significant performance benefits in Safari. As both JavaScript and WASM are moving targets, this research is likely outdated—but the methods are hopefully reproducible.